Self-Care Tips

Healing from trauma or taking care of someone who is going through recovery journey from trauma can be very draining physically and mentally. Ignoring your well-being may lead to feeling overwhelmed and put you at risk of a burn-out. Here are some of the ways you can try to do:

1. Physical activities that improves your physical health, such as having healthy meals, exercise and physical movement.

2. Mental activities that nurture your emotional and mental well-being:

  • Understand that you are not alone
  • Practice gratitude which helps us reframe our thinking in difficult moments by shifting our focus to positive experience or things we can control, and bring about our sense of empowerment and improve our well-being. 
  • Make time for your own life and doing things that brings you pleasure and happiness.
  • Seek professional help whenever you want to reach out.
  • Share caregiving responsibilities if possible.

3. Social activities that connect you with your own support system such as 

  • Talking to a close friend
  • Going out for with friends, laugh and smile with them.
  • Joining caregiver support group
  • Connecting with other family members

Note: this is not an exhaustive list. Do find out what activities work for you