Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Welcome to the Resource Centre of Central Region Trauma Services (CRTS), a multi-disciplinary and cross-institutional trauma care resource platform. This trauma care resource platform is the fruition of collaborative efforts among the various institutions within the CRTS, one of the three regional trauma networks in Singapore.

The CRTS was established by bringing the multi-disciplinary expertise from the various institutions together to enhance the trauma care services in the Central Region of Singapore and beyond. With strong support from the institutions and its community partners, the CRTS strives to provide patient-centred and excellent standard of trauma care management through continuous safety and quality improvement, translational research and innovation, as well as practical need-based education programmes.

As the largest and most diverse regional trauma network in Singapore, the CRTS has the privilege to work alongside the trauma and acute care leaders with significant clinical and academic experiences in Singapore and globally. This dedicated trauma resource centre leverages on the CRTS’ cross-institutional capabilities and infrastructures to offer exceptional trauma education programmes and strengthen the community health outreach.

Our programmes are designed to provide an opportunity for our fellow healthcare colleagues and friends to share and learn from each other. Partnering like-minded government agencies and organisations, we empower our community partners to be at the forefront of our community outreach efforts through targeted trauma awareness and essential injury management programmes.

Together, we continue to grow and contribute to the medicine and communities as clinicians, researchers, educators, and leaders with great passion to inspire better trauma care and learning experience.

On behalf of the CRTS, we look forward to partnering you on this exciting journey towards the betterment of trauma care services!

Yours sincerely, 

Adj A/Prof Teo Li-Tserng
Chief, Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Department of General Surgery
Director, Trauma Centre, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Director, Central Region (Singapore) Trauma Services, National Healthcare Group