Our Learning Philosophy

NHG College believes in a holistic approach to learning and development of our Professionals for Tomorrow’s Healthcare through an integration of formal, social, experiential and work-based activities.

Professionals for Tomorrow's Healthcare

To guide our education curriculum and train our healthcare workforce in alignment with principles for a 21st century health system, NHG has envisioned a conceptual framework of the attributes of the Professional for Tomorrow’s Healthcare (PTH) – a person who would contribute optimally to healthcare in future. The PTH model, which was modified from a similar model by Sir Michael Barber (UK), reads as follows:

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Chew, N. W. M., Teo, W. L., Lim, W. S., Ng, Y. P. L. & Tham, K. Y.The Professional for Tomorrow’s Healthcare: A Model for Healthcare in the 21st Century.

Inter-Professional Learning

In supporting and facilitating inter-professional collaborations and quality of care delivery, NHG College believes in adopting an inter-professional learning approach in our programmes, where clinicians, administrators and ancillary staff are brought together to learn with and from each other.

70:20:10 Approach

The 70:20:10 Model recognizes that learning occurs through various modes and means, beyond training in the classroom. Therefore to ensure that learning occurs and applied at the workplace, NHG College believes in adopting 70:20:10 approaches in the design and implementation of our programmes, incorporating elements of experiential, work-based practice, social learning, and formal training.

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Teach Well -Test Well - Treat Well

This tagline encapsulates the aspirations and approaches that our faculty had adopted in developing the Professionals of Tomorrow’s Healthcare. In order to develop our learners to their potential, the work of our faculty will involve facilitating the learning process, assessment that learning has taken place, and creating a psychologically safe learning environment.