 About Us.

National Healthcare Group (NHG) - Group Purchasing Office (GPO) has been set up since October 2002, to actively review and develop institutional and cluster procurement strategies and workstreams.Test.

Since inauguration, GPO has been steadily achieving cost savings through volume and demand consolidation, standardisation, and reducing the complexity of the products and services.

We have actively engaged our panel of doctors, nurses and end users in​ discussions to ensure that the specifications are accurate and that the product and service quality is not being compromised at the expense of cost.Test.

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   Products and Services
GPO has covered a vast category of products and services for our NHG Institutions. Our experience covers the following:
Medical SuppliesIndirect
Diagnostic SuppliesConsultancy
Operating Theatre SuppliesIT Service
Protective SuppliesIT Maintenance
Ward SuppliesLogistics
Cardiac SuppliesOffice Supplies
Dental SuppliesPrinting
Eye SuppliesUniforms and Shoes
Lab Supplies 
Orthopedics Supplies 
Capital InvestmentFacilities Management
Diagnostic DeviceEnergy Management
Furniture & FittingsFood Supplies
General EquipmentCleaning Service
IT Application SystemsLandscaping
IT HardwareLinen Management
Operating Theatre EquipmentRepairs and Maintenance
Note: The list above is neither definitive nor exhaustive.

For Drug procurement, please contact SingHealth (Pharma) directly.
