Started in March 2022 with support from Ministry of Health (MOH), the Group Education and eMpowerment (GEM) programme is a group-based diabetes self-care programme to equip patients and their family members with proper understanding of diabetes for long term care. Emphasising on growing together as a community, the GEM has the overarching aim to help patients translate knowledge to action, and provide them with motivation support through involving family members, peers and health coaches.
GEM focused on the prescription of DM education to empower patients for self-care and healthy lifestyles. It is suitable for patients who have been newly or recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, or those who have had years of diabetes but have not attended any structured diabetes education.
Using face-to-face and online platforms, patients may look forward to improve in diabetes literacy, better dietary habits and management of mental health through:
a. Group education on the role of medications, healthy diets, physical activity, and recognition of low blood sugar (Hypoglycaemia) and sick day advice with alignment of materials to the National Diabetes Reference Materials. Sessions are facilitated by Nurse/Dietitian/Pharmacist.
b. Health Coaches to assist with goal setting and facilitating follow-up in the next doctor's visit. A group chat is also facilitated over a period of 3 months by the health coaches to send out educational videos between sessions, and participants can also share their experience and healthy lifestyle behaviours.
c. Formation of informal support groups with participants to build relationship and facilitate peer support for diabetes-related distress through hearing others' stories.
* GEM is running in Yishun Health (Admiralty Medical Centre), NHG Polyclinics and Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Contact us if you would like to find out more!