
​​Connect with your Com​munity Health Team

Community Health Teams (CHTs) are multi-disciplinary teams comprising doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, pharmacists, health coaches and administrators to provide holistic care for our patients and residents in Central and North regions of Singapore. Our services range from promoting general wellness, case management to stabilisation of care needs.
For more information on the listed programmes below, please email us at cht@nhg.com.sg  

Community ​Health Post

Located within the heartland’s community sites (e.g. Active Ageing Centres, Community Centres, Residents’ Committees/Networks), Community Health Posts (CHP) aim to increase accessibility to health and social care services, and empower residents to take charge of their health by connecting them to the relevant community tools, knowledge, resources, and support in the neighbourhood.​ 

Scan the QR Code or ​click here​ for referrals. 

​For the latest lis​t of our CHP locations, click here.


A series of workshops to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enable you to better care for self and loved ones as as friends and neighbours in the community. 

Here is an overview of the modules:

• Create a Safer Home for You and Your Loved Ones 

• Foster Positive Medication Habits  

• Increase Physical Activity and Enhance Your Mobility  

• Promote Good Practices in Chronic Disease Management (Cholesterol and Hypertension) 

• Promote Good Practices in Chronic Disease Management (Diabetes) 

• Proper Handling of Wheelchair and Safe Manual Handling 

• Understanding Advance Care Planning (ACP)

• Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB)

  •                  Walking Foodpedia     ​​​

    Enhance nutrition knowledge of healthier food and product options in hawker centres and supermarkets, and apply this learning through experiential activities.   ​

                              Share a Pot    

A community-based programme aimed at improving the nutrition and fitness of seniors. Residents meet at centres within their own community to exercise and enjoy a bowl of nutritious soup together. www.shareapot.sg

  ​               Fall Risk Screening   ​

Fall risk screening measures physical function through leg strength, endurance, balance and gait speed. These are important indicators of potential risk for falls and frailty progression. The screening is suitable for Singaporeans aged 60 and above.


         Advanced Care Planning  ​

Advance Care Planning (ACP) is a voluntary process of discussion on future care preferences between an individual, his or her family, and healthcare providers. 

Trained healthcare professionals or ACP facilitators will guide these conversations which are designed to prepare you to make the most informed decisions about your preferences for care and treatment. 

This conversation includes: 

• Sharing your personal values, beliefs, and goals for care with your loved ones and healthcare providers. 

• Exploring your healthcare preferences in difficult medical situations, which could include circumstances at the end-of-life. 

• Appointing a Nominated Healthcare Spokesperson (NHS) to represent your voice and make your preferred medical decision should you be unable to speak for yourself one day. 

​  ​      CONNACT Plus (Knee Osteoarthritis Management) ​- Upcoming​    ​​

CONNACT Plus is a community-based programme designed to optimise rehabilitative outcomes for patients with knee osteoarthritis, with the goal of reducing and/or delay the need for unnecessary surgery. This programme is delivered collectively by a team of community rehabilitation partners and health coaches.

The programme will provide the following:​

  • Physiotherapy exercises focusing on improving flexibility, strength and functional activities​
  • Psychoeducation sessions covering topics such as nutrition, pain acceptance and mindfulness
  • ​​​​Health coaching to set personalised health goals, develop action plan and monitor progress towards the desired goals

The programme is suitable for residents aged 45 years and above who are experiencing knee osteoarthritis/pain and can move within the community, with or without walking aids. It excludes individuals with secondary arthritis, previous knee surgery on the affected knee or other conditions that may hinder full participation (e.g: cognitive impairment or pregnancy). Programme fees vary between $10 to $150, depending on means testing.

For referrals, the GP Information guide and partner location list are available for download through the download link (https://for.sg/informationguideforgps) or Scan the QR Code below to access the Information Guide.

Contact Us​​​

8am-5pm (Mondays - Fridays​)

8am-1pm (Saturdays)​

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays


6333 1000


​Click here​ to send an enquiry​​​



