​Primary Care Office (PCO) works with the National Healthcare Group (NHG) Public Health Institutions, NHG Polyclinics and Partners to offer and conduct a variety of CME sessions such as virtual, face-to-face and workshops, to help our Primary Care Partners stay up to date on the latest advancements in healthcare.

Below, GPs can find a list of Continuing Medical Education (CME) programmes which are essential for healthcare professionals.

12/03/2024 13:0012/03/2024 14:00
A CME event organised by Yishun Health for medical professionals.
YH Shared Care Partnership Office (SCPO) || [email protected]2024-03-12 14:00:002024-03-12 13:00:00VirtualDoctorDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
16/03/2024 13:0016/03/2024 17:00
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a risk-reduction treatment against HIV. In this course, our local experts will share best practices and lessons learned in prescribing HIVPrEP.
[email protected]2024-03-16 17:00:002024-03-16 13:00:00PhysicalDoctorOthers
Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI), Tan Tock Seng Hospital (18 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308443)
23/03/2024 08:3023/03/2024 17:00
Helmed by esteemed clinicians, policymakers, community and industry partners, the event encompasses a series of thought-provoking discussions and debate on how to transform musculoskeletal health from an episodic and reactive approach towards a population health and patient life course approach. In line with HealthierSG, this event aims to showcase key musculoskeletal initiatives from NHG, driven by the latest advances in clinical care and technology, as well as promote further collaborations and partnerships for care excellence in musculoskeletal health.
Fadzleen Binte Johari || 6357 7381 || [email protected]2024-03-23 17:00:002024-03-23 08:30:00PhysicalDoctor; Nurses; Support Staff; Allied Health Professionals (AHP)Others
Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI), Tan Tock Seng Hospital (18 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308443)
30/03/2024 14:0030/03/2024 15:30
This workshop introduces GPs to approaches to eye conditions such as painless visual loss, common eyelid conditions, I&D of chalazion, red eyes, floats, visual acuity and visual field by confrontation.
[email protected]2024-03-30 15:30:002024-03-30 14:00:00VirtualDoctorOphthalmology
01/04/2024 13:3003/04/2024 17:30
This course is designed to prepare individuals who are interested to work/are new to working in a GP clinic. The Basic level will cover fundamental skills required by the Clinic Assistant to support the GP in day-to-day clinic administration and basic clinical tasks.
Carolyn Chan || 6496 6127 || [email protected]2024-04-03 17:30:002024-04-01 13:30:00PhysicalClinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC)Administrative / Relationship Building
Yishun Polyclinic (2 Yishun Ave 9 Singapore 768898)
13/04/2024 13:0013/04/2024 17:00
This course aims to equip primary care physicians, specialists, nurses and allied health professionals with the knowledge and practical skills in the management of obesity.

Pre-Requisite: Drs with prior obesity training accreditation (e.g. Basic Obesity Management Accreditation, SCOPE, Boston/Blackburn Course in Obesity Medicine)
Carolyn Chan || 6496 6127 || [email protected]2024-04-13 17:00:002024-04-13 13:00:00PhysicalDoctorFamily Medicine
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic (21 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Singapore 569666)
17/04/2024 14:0024/04/2024 17:30
This course aims to provide an abridged and just-in-time primer on how to engage clients and patients to be active participants in decision making and change that helps them to set and achieve their health and wellness goals.

Staff involved in coaching/guiding patient on health behaviour change are encouraged to join!
Carolyn Chan || 6496 6127 || [email protected]2024-04-24 17:30:002024-04-17 14:00:0017-Apr-2024 & 24-Apr-2024 14:00 - 17:30PhysicalAllied Health Professionals (AHP); Clinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Support StaffAdministrative / Relationship Building
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic (21 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Singapore 569666)
19/04/2024 13:0019/04/2024 18:00
This course aims to empower Clinic Assistants (CAs) to support their clinic in adopting Healthier SG (HSG) initiatives. CAs will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to better assist GPs in developing a health plan for patients as part of HSG.
Carolyn Chan || 6496 6127 || [email protected]2024-04-19 18:00:002024-04-19 13:00:00PhysicalClinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC)Administrative / Relationship Building
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic (21 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Singapore 569666)
20/04/2024 14:0020/04/2024 16:30
A CME event organised by Yishun Health for medical professionals.
NHG Primary Care Office - [email protected]2024-04-20 16:30:002024-04-20 14:00:00AttachmentVirtualDoctorRenal Medicine
23/04/2024 13:0023/04/2024 14:00
A CME event organised by Yishun Health for medical professionals.
NHG Primary Care Office - [email protected]2024-04-23 14:00:002024-04-23 13:00:00VirtualDoctorDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
27/04/2024 12:3027/04/2024 16:00
We are thrilled to extend an invitation for your participation in the Population Health Collective (POPCollect) Annual Work Plan Seminar (AWPS) 2024, an annual signature event focusing on Population Health organized by the National Healthcare Group (NHG). Day Two of POPCollect is dedicated to cultivating connections and fostering collaborations between Primary and Community Care.

In this year’s event, we would like to invite you to join us physically at one of three Active Ageing Centres (AACs) to:
1) Lunch and Network with GPs, AAC staff and community/resident connectors.
2) Tour the AAC and hear more about the programmes & services offered by our Community Partner(s) and NHG.
3) Hear about Common Risks of Obesity through the webinar conducted by Tan Tock Seng Hospital (Refer to attached e-brochure for speaker and topic details.)
[email protected]2024-04-27 16:00:002024-04-27 12:30:00HybridDoctor; Support Staff; Clinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC)Diabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
1. TOUCHpoint@AMK 433 - 433 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 10, #01-1415, (S560433)

2. Care Corner Active Ageing Centre WL569A - 569A Champions Way, #01-346 (S730569)

3. St Luke’s Eldercare Active Ageing Centre @ Nee Soon Central - 765 Yishun Street 72 (S760765)
27/04/2024 14:0027/04/2024 16:00
A multidisciplinary GP Symposium organised by Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

Our Panel of Speakers:
1. Dr Rasminder Kaur, Family Physician Associate Consultant from the Department of Endocrinology
2. Dr Lee Chuen Peng, Senior Consultant from the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
3. Dr Saleem Ahmed, Consultant from the Department of General Surgery
4. Ms Vinita Sheri, Physiotherapist from the Department of Physiotherapy
[email protected]2024-04-27 16:00:002024-04-27 14:00:00VirtualDoctorDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
04/05/2024 13:4504/05/2024 16:30
A CME event organised by Yishun Health for medical professionals.
NHG Primary Care Office - [email protected]2024-05-04 16:30:002024-05-04 13:45:00VirtualDoctorOtorhinolaryngology (ENT)
07/05/2024 13:0007/05/2024 13:00
A CME event organised by Yishun Health for medical professionals.
NHG Primary Care Office [email protected] "2024-05-07 13:00:002024-05-07 13:00:00VirtualDoctorDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
08/05/2024 08:3008/05/2024 12:30
This course teaches participants to recognise and treat emergencies such as cardiac arrest and conscious adult airway obstrction.
Carolyn Chan || 6496 6127 || [email protected]2024-05-08 12:30:002024-05-08 08:30:00PhysicalClinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Support StaffLife Support
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic (21 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Singapore 569666)
08/05/2024 13:3008/05/2024 17:30
This course equips you with basic first aid knowledge and skills required to attend to some common injuries and conditions.
Carolyn Chan || 6496 6127 || [email protected]2024-05-08 17:30:002024-05-08 13:30:00PhysicalClinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Support StaffLife Support
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic (21 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Singapore 569666)
09/05/2024 18:0009/05/2024 19:30
Major trauma during pregnancy can impact maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. At scene and on arrival at the emergency, obstetric trauma patients can present unique and high-risk challenges to the pre-hospital responders and receiving care team.

Join us in this webinar as we delve into various case studies and share updates and experiences in the assessment and management of these patients.
[email protected]2024-05-09 19:30:002024-05-09 18:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
Major trauma during pregnancy can impact maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. At scene and on arrival at the emergency, obstetric trauma patients can present unique and high-risk challenges to the pre-hospital responders and receiving care team.

Join us in this webinar as we delve into various case studies and share updates and experiences in the assessment and management of these patients.
21/05/2024 13:0021/05/2024 14:00
A CME event organised by Yishun Health for medical professionals.
NHG Primary Care Office - [email protected]2024-05-21 14:00:002024-05-21 13:00:00VirtualDoctorDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
25/05/2024 13:0025/05/2024 18:00
The GDFM Mock Exam is designed to emulate actual OSCE - an immersive experience where Drs will unlock invaluable insights into the expectations and dynamics of the GDFM Exam.
Eliza Tham || 6496 6918 || [email protected]2024-05-25 18:00:002024-05-25 13:00:00PhysicalDoctorFamily Medicine
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic (21 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Singapore 569666)
28/05/2024 13:0028/05/2024 14:00
A CME event organised by Yishun Health for medical professionals.
NHG Primary Care Office - [email protected]2024-05-28 14:00:002024-05-28 13:00:00VirtualDoctorDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
29/05/2024 13:0029/05/2024 16:00
The event gathers esteemed subject-matter experts who will delve into topics such as the impact of climate on dengue transmission in Singapore, developments in the MSD vaccine trial, therapeutic trials, and Project Wolbachia. There will also be invaluable opportunities to engage with these experts through the panel discussion, to further understand the current landscape of dengue prevention and treatment.
Register Here!
|| Jenny Ng 94741741 [email protected] || Swee Fong Juan 9106 1640 [email protected] ||2024-05-29 16:00:002024-05-29 13:00:00PhysicalDoctorOthers
Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium
317 Outram Rd, Singapore 169075
20/06/2024 18:0020/06/2024 19:30
Airway trauma poses a significant threat to respiratory function and represents a set of unique challenges. Healthcare professionals have to navigate with precision and expertise. The rapid assessment and recognition of the injuries, the diagnostic and intervention considerations, effective and timely management are Vital to the survival of a patient.

Join us in this webinar as our subject expert share about her experiences and lessons learnt in the acute management of airway trauma patients."
[email protected] 2024-06-20 19:30:002024-06-20 18:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
22/06/2024 13:3022/06/2024 18:00
The GDFM Procedural Workshop is a hands-on practice session on common procedures to gear up for GDFM Exam.
Eliza Tham || 6496 6918 || [email protected]2024-06-22 18:00:002024-06-22 13:30:00PhysicalDoctorFamily Medicine
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic (21 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Singapore 569666)
26/06/2024 14:0026/06/2024 17:00
Topics Covered
- Understanding & Managing DRP Reports in SiDRP
- Common Adult / Geriatric Eye Conditions
- Common Paediatric Eye Conditions
- Eye Physical Exam Demonstration"
Eliza Tham || 6496 6918 || [email protected]2024-06-26 17:00:002024-06-26 14:00:00PhysicalDoctorOphthalmology
Centre for Healthcare Innovation (18 Jalan Tan Tock Seng Singapore 308443)
26/06/2024 14:0003/07/2024 17:30
This course covers what mentoring is - its models, benefits, roles in a mentoring relationship, and outlines critical skills and tools to help manage the mentoring relationship.
Carolyn Chan || 6496 6127 || [email protected]2024-07-03 17:30:002024-06-26 14:00:00PhysicalDoctor; Allied Health Professionals (AHP)Administrative / Relationship Building
Yishun Polyclinic (2 Yishun Ave 9 Singapore 768898)
28/06/2024 13:0028/06/2024 18:00
This course aims to empower Clinic Assistants (CAs) to support their clinic in adopting Healthier SG (HSG) initiatives. CAs will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to better assist GPs in developing a health plan for patients as part of HSG.
Carolyn Chan || 6496 6127 || [email protected]2024-06-28 18:00:002024-06-28 13:00:00PhysicalClinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC)Administrative / Relationship Building
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic (21 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Singapore 569666)
29/06/2024 08:3029/06/2024 17:30
This course aims to equip primary healthcare physicians with the knowledge and confidence to manage simple breast conditions, understand the spectrum of breast conditions, triage the urgency for referrals, and provide basic breast ultrasonographic skills to perform simple bedside imaging and procedures.
Carolyn Chan || 6496 6127 || [email protected]2024-06-29 17:30:002024-06-29 08:30:00PhysicalDoctorFamily Medicine
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic (21 Ang Mo Kio Central 2 Singapore 569666)
02/07/2024 13:0002/07/2024 14:00
A CME event organised by Yishun Health for medical professionals.
Lee Meow Li Mel - [email protected]2024-07-02 14:00:002024-07-02 13:00:00VirtualDoctorDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
04/07/2024 08:3005/07/2024 18:00
Join us at CHI INNOVATE 2024 on 4 & 5 July 2024, as we pledge our oath to extend our healing touch not just to patients but to the planet we call home! CHI INNOVATE 2024, under the banner of “Sustainability in Healthcare”, will explore our relationship with our environment, while seeking innovative solutions to inspire and galvanise us to be ‘good ancestors’.

Healthcare’s sacred duty is to “Do No Harm” as we provide care for our patients; But this very duty has inflicted harm on the environment. If Healthcare were a country, we would be Earth’s 4th largest carbon emitter.
At the same time, the climate crisis is also a healthcare crisis. The effects of global warming will bring an even larger tsunami of patients to our doors in the future. United, we can cultivate a healthier planet for healthier people!
[email protected]2024-07-05 18:00:002024-07-04 08:30:00PhysicalSupport Staff; Allied Health Professionals (AHP); Clinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Doctor; NursesOthers
Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation
18 Jalan Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308443
10/07/2024 18:0010/07/2024 19:00
In the high-stakes realm of acute trauma care, anaesthesia management plays a pivotal role in ensuring patient survival and optimal outcomes. This webinar offers a tailored exploration into the fundamental principles and practical considerations of anaesthesia in acute trauma scenarios.

Join us in this webinar as our subject expert share key anaesthesia considerations encountered in trauma cases, from initial assessment and resuscitation to intraoperative management and postoperative care.
CRTS Secretariat [email protected]2024-07-10 19:00:002024-07-10 18:00:00VirtualDoctorEmergency Medicine / GPFirst
16/07/2024 13:0016/07/2024 14:00
A CME event organised by Yishun Health for medical professionals.
Lee Meow Li Mel  - [email protected]2024-07-16 14:00:002024-07-16 13:00:00VirtualDoctorDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
17/07/2024 08:3024/07/2024 17:30
Taught by local experts in our multi-disciplinary team, this 2-day intensive practical course is specially customised to equip clinical professionals with in-depth knowledge and practical skills necessary to care for persons living with dementia. Join us if you wish to have a deeper understanding and learn new skillsets in dementia care!

SGD 500 for TTSH and VWO staff (before GST)
SGD 600 for other institutions (before GST)

Melly Malliga Chua 63596335 [email protected]2024-07-24 17:30:002024-07-17 08:30:00PhysicalDoctor; Allied Health Professionals (AHP); NursesOthers
Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI), Level 2, Hall 3
18 Jln Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308443
27/07/2024 14:0027/07/2024 16:00https://for.sg/headandneckcancer2024
"Chua Yi Ying -  6357 1594 -  [email protected]"2024-07-27 16:00:002024-07-27 14:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
03/08/2024 14:0003/08/2024 16:00
Register via: https://for.sg/m3z6au
Nurul Fuziana Binte Abdul Rahim <[email protected]>2024-08-03 16:00:002024-08-03 14:00:00VirtualDoctorMental Health
03/08/2024 14:0003/08/2024 16:00
This year, GM GP symposium offers diagnostic to therapeutic topics as well as a little alternative.

There are now more treatment options for diabetic patients, beyond glucose-lowering effects. How does one navigate through this vast therapeutic milieu?

Is there a systematic way of approaching the evaluation of involuntary weight loss?

What do we watch out for when patients consume supplements as part of their daily diet?

Inviting you to join us this August to find out more in this mind feast!
Department of General Medicine [email protected]2024-08-03 16:00:002024-08-03 14:00:00VirtualDoctorFamily Medicine
15/08/2024 18:0015/08/2024 19:30
Neurotrauma to the nervous system, is multi-faceted and affects physical,
cognitive, and psychological health. Rapid diagnosis and intervention are
crucial for recovery and improving the quality of life for the affected individual.

Join us in this webinar as our subject expert shares about his experience and
lessons learnt in the acute management of neurotrauma.
[email protected]2024-08-15 19:30:002024-08-15 18:00:00VirtualDoctorNeurology
17/08/2024 12:3017/08/2024 17:00
Diabetes & Metabolic Symposium 2024

For Drs registration:

For Nurses/Allied Health registration:
For Doctors Registration
Stephanie Chee 97610040 [email protected]2024-08-17 17:00:002024-08-17 12:30:00PhysicalAllied Health Professionals (AHP); Doctor; NursesDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
Grand Ballroom
HomeTeamNS Khatib
2 Yishun Walk
Singapore 767944
20/08/2024 12:4520/08/2024 14:00
Register via : https://for.sg/20aug24
Lee Meow Li Mel <[email protected]>2024-08-20 14:00:002024-08-20 12:45:00VirtualDoctorOthers
03/09/2024 13:0003/09/2024 14:00
Register via : https://for.sg/3sep24
Lee Meow Li Mel <[email protected]>2024-09-03 14:00:002024-09-03 13:00:00VirtualDoctorRheumatology
05/09/2024 13:0005/09/2024 14:00
[email protected]2024-09-05 14:00:002024-09-05 13:00:00VirtualDoctorRenal Medicine
14/09/2024 14:0025/10/2025 18:00
Jointly organised by the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) and the Division of Graduate Medical Studies (DGMS), National University of Singapore (NUS), the one-year part-time programme aims to increase the capability of GPs in mental healthcare by training them appropriately for the role to detect and treat minor mental health disorders in the community.

GDMH graduates can enjoy a government subsidy of 80% of the course fee and attain 50 CME points upon successful completion of the programme.

Course 1: Psychosis
Course 2: Mood, Anxiety and Grief
Course 3: Addiction
Course 4: Child and Adolescent Mental Health including Learning Disabilities​
Course 5: Psychogeriatrics
Course 6: Personality Disorders and Psychological Therapies
[email protected]2025-10-25 18:00:002024-09-14 14:00:00PhysicalDoctorMental Health
Institute of Mental Health
10 Buangkok View
Singapore 539747
14/09/2024 14:0014/09/2024 16:00
Register via : https://for.sg/14wa5e
Lilian Lam Lai Ying  -    [email protected]"2024-09-14 16:00:002024-09-14 14:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
17/09/2024 13:0017/09/2024 14:00
Renal KDIGO 2024 guidelines update -

FM Core Point
Pending 1 CME Point
Register here
Lee Meow Li Mel -    [email protected]2024-09-17 14:00:002024-09-17 13:00:00VirtualDoctorRenal Medicine
19/09/2024 13:0019/09/2024 14:00
[email protected]2024-09-19 14:00:002024-09-19 13:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
27/09/2024 18:0028/09/2024 19:00
Injuries from penetrating trauma often entail the breach of a body cavity, such as
the thoracic or abdominal region, usually caused by either a gunshot or stab
wound. The nature of the weapon used significantly influences both the
diagnostic procedures and the management of associated injuries.

Join us in this webinar as our subject expert share an overview and fundamental
lessons learned and considerations in the management of these patients.
Central Region Trauma Services [email protected]2024-09-28 19:00:002024-09-27 18:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
28/09/2024 10:0028/09/2024 11:30
Sally Low 69035556 <[email protected]> Andre D'Rozario <[email protected]>2024-09-28 11:30:002024-09-28 10:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
28/09/2024 14:0028/09/2024 16:30
[email protected]2024-09-28 16:30:002024-09-28 14:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
28/09/2024 14:0028/09/2024 16:00
Register via : https://for.sg/ttshmultidgpforum-sep24

2 CME points will be awarded to all attendees.
Wee Hui Sin -  6357 3177  - [email protected]"2024-09-28 16:00:002024-09-28 14:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
03/10/2024 13:0003/10/2024 14:00
[email protected]2024-10-03 14:00:002024-10-03 13:00:00VirtualDoctorDermatology
12/10/2024 09:0012/10/2024 18:00
Come down with your family and learn more about breast cancer, early testing and detection, and survivorship. Hear from our patients and enjoy multiple games and performances - and redeem your goodie bags (limited to first 500 only)! It's a whole day of fun and activities you won't want to miss.
Registration LinkLink to Event Page
2024-10-12 18:00:002024-10-12 09:00:00PhysicalAllied Health Professionals (AHP); Clinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Doctor; Nurses; Support StaffOthers
The Woodleigh Mall, 11 Bidadari Park Drive, Singapore 367803.
12/10/2024 14:0012/10/2024 17:30https://for.sg/pcagpsympos2024
Carolyn Chan 6496 6127 <[email protected]>2024-10-12 17:30:002024-10-12 14:00:00PhysicalDoctorFamily Medicine
LKC Clinical Sciences Building Auditorium
17/10/2024 13:0017/10/2024 14:00
[email protected]2024-10-17 14:00:002024-10-17 13:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
19/10/2024 14:0019/10/2024 16:00
Register via: https://for.sg/hpbgpforum2024

2 CME Points will be awarded to attendees and has approved by SMC
Chai Jye Yi 81263601 <[email protected]>2024-10-19 16:00:002024-10-19 14:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
26/10/2024 13:0026/10/2024 16:00
Doctors: $50 (excl. GST)
Allied Health: $40 (excl GST)
Nurses: $30 (excl GST)
Joeson Yeo 63596403 <[email protected]>  Rachel Lim 92993946 <[email protected]>2024-10-26 16:00:002024-10-26 13:00:00PhysicalDoctor; Allied Health Professionals (AHP); NursesOthers
Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation
01/11/2024 12:0001/11/2024 14:00
2 CME points awarded to attendees [Pending for approval]
Hedy Cheng <[email protected]>2024-11-01 14:00:002024-11-01 12:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
02/11/2024 09:0002/11/2024 16:00
Non-core Point
Pending 4 CME Points
Livia Faustina Sudirgo 88191283 [email protected]  Jelin Lim Zixuan 90683352 [email protected]2024-11-02 16:00:002024-11-02 09:00:00PhysicalDoctorOthers
Woodlands Health (WH) Auditorium
Tower E - Lvl 1, Learning Space
08/11/2024 13:0008/11/2024 14:00
1 CME points awarded to attendees [Pending for approval]
Hedy Cheng [email protected]2024-11-08 14:00:002024-11-08 13:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
09/11/2024 13:0009/11/2024 17:00
Pending CME Point

Regular Fee by 15 October 2024: $500
On-Site Fee from 16 October 2024: $650

Email [email protected] for registration
Sarah Ten (Secretariat) [email protected]2024-11-09 17:00:002024-11-09 13:00:00PhysicalDoctorCardiology
22 Orange Grove Rd, Singapore 258350
Tel: +65 6737 3644
12/11/2024 13:0012/11/2024 14:00
FM Core Point
Pending 1 CME Points
Mel Lee [email protected]2024-11-12 14:00:002024-11-12 13:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
19/11/2024 13:0019/11/2024 14:00
FM Core Point
Pending 1 CME Points
Mel Lee [email protected]2024-11-19 14:00:002024-11-19 13:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
23/11/2024 09:0023/11/2024 12:00
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In Singapore, COPD was the 10th leading cause of death in 2014.

The World COPD Day is a global initiative dedicated to raising awareness about COPD, its prevention, and the importance of early diagnosis and management. It aims to reduce the burden of COPD, improve the quality of life for those affected, and promote healthier lungs for everyone. The first World COPD Day was held in 2002. Each year, organisers in more than 50 countries have carried out activities, making the day one of the world's most important COPD awareness and education events.
The NHG COPD Workgroup, comprising of a multi-disciplinary team of specialist respiratory physicians, primary care physicians, nurses, therapists and allied health staff from all 3 NHG tertiary hospitals as well as NHG Polyclinics, aims to streamline COPD care with a strong focus on management at all stages of the disease, starting from prevention to advanced stage illness. As part of their continuing efforts to promote public awareness, NHG has been commemorating the World COPD Day since 2022. The theme for this year’s NHG COPD Day is ‘Understanding Your Lungs’, underscoring the importance of recognising risk factors for lung disease as well as early detection and treatment.
Dr Jason Chan - [email protected]2024-11-23 12:00:002024-11-23 09:00:00PhysicalDoctor; Nurses; Support Staff; Clinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Allied Health Professionals (AHP)Respiratory medicine
Ang Mo Kio Central Stage @ Ang Mo Kio Town Centre
Singapore 569805
26/11/2024 13:0026/11/2024 14:00
Pending 1 CME Point.

The Singapore PRImary Care Cancer NeTwork (SPriNT) is established to advance cancer care across the continuum of prevention, early detection, and survivorship within the primary care institutions. Through the network, it aims to provide primary care providers up-to-date information on cancer care management through events such as the PCCLS as they play the pivotal role in a cancer patient’s care journey. The network also undertakes cancer research projects in the community, and ultimately aims to catalyse and facilitate innovative models of cancer care in the context of primary care.
Regsitration Link
Ms Mariel - [email protected]2024-11-26 14:00:002024-11-26 13:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
27/11/2024 13:0027/11/2024 14:00
Pending 1 CME Point.

The Singapore PRImary Care Cancer NeTwork (SPriNT) is established to advance cancer care across the continuum of prevention, early detection, and survivorship within the primary care institutions. Through the network, it aims to provide primary care providers up-to-date information on cancer care management through events such as the PCCLS as they play the pivotal role in a cancer patient’s care journey. The network also undertakes cancer research projects in the community, and ultimately aims to catalyse and facilitate innovative models of cancer care in the context of primary care.
Registration Link
Ms Mariel - [email protected]2024-11-27 14:00:002024-11-27 13:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
03/12/2024 13:0003/12/2024 14:00
Pending 1 CME Point
*CME point will only be credited for participants who attended more than 20 minutes of the session. 

A CME Organised by Yishun Health for Medical Professionals.

Podiatry Team
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital
Registration Link
Mel Lee - [email protected]2024-12-03 14:00:002024-12-03 13:00:00VirtualDoctor; Clinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); NursesDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
16/01/2025 13:0016/01/2025 14:00
Head & Neck Lumps, Thyroid and Parathyroid in Primary Care - By WH

FM Core Point
1 CME Point (Pending)
Registration Link
[email protected]2025-01-16 14:00:002025-01-16 13:00:00VirtualDoctorOthers
17/01/2025 13:3017/01/2025 16:30
Event: TBI Masterclass 2025
Date: 17 Jan 2025, Friday
Time: 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Venue: Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation, 18 Jln Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308443
Registration Fee (excl. GST): 
• $50 (Doctors)
• $40 (Allied Health)
• $30 (Nurses)
Please note that 9% GST will be charged at the payment checkout.
CME/CPE/CNE points will be awarded.
Registration Link
Joeson Yeo 63596406 [email protected]2025-01-17 16:30:002025-01-17 13:30:00PhysicalDoctorNeurology
Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation, 18 Jln Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308443
YesEDM Link
18/01/2025 09:0018/01/2025 17:00
Tuberculosis (TB) Symposium 2025. Refer to EDM for more details.

Max CME points: 4
Registration Link
Belinda Ong 63573042 [email protected]2025-01-18 17:00:002025-01-18 09:00:00PhysicalDoctorOthers
Tan Tock Seng Hospital Theatrette
YesEDM Link
08/02/2025 08:3008/02/2025 12:00
Spirometry, the most performed pulmonary function test, plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and management of respiratory disorders. By assessing ventilatory capacity via a series of forced exhalation manoeuvres, spirometry provides valuable insights into one’s lung function. However, achieving accurate results requires high quality
spirometry testing.

Our upcoming inaugural TTSH Spirometry Training Course is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills to conduct and interpret high-quality spirometry tests, based on the latest guidelines on test performance, report
standardisation and result interpretation which had emerged in recent years.

Structure: Part A – online e-learn
                          Part B – hands on workshop on 8 Feb 25 (for certificate of attendance)
                          Part C – optional laboratory attachment (for certificate of competency)
Course fees:
Parts A & B – $200
Part C – $120

The course had also received endorsement from the Singapore Thoracic Society.
CME point(s) will also be accredited (pending confirmation on no. of CME points).
Registration Link
Tan Wan Yun 6357 3160 [email protected]  OR  [email protected]2025-02-08 12:00:002025-02-08 08:30:00PhysicalDoctorOthers
Tan Tock Seng Hospital,
Respiratory Function Laboratory,
Medical Block Level 4, Clinic 4A

11 Jalan Tan Tock Seng
Singapore 308433
N/AEDM Download
18/02/2025 13:0018/02/2025 14:00
Refer to EDM for more info

A CME Organised by Yishun Health for Medical Professionals.

Dr Roger Tan
Consultant Nephrologist
Roger Kidney Clinic, Gleneagles Hospital
Register Here
Mel Lee - [email protected]2025-02-18 14:00:002025-02-18 13:00:00VirtualDoctorOphthalmology
NoEDM Link
22/02/2025 14:0022/02/2025 16:00
Join us for an engaging symposium focused on practical, patient-centered obesity management strategies for family practitioners. Featuring expert talks from our multidisciplinary team including our weight management physician, bariatric surgeon, dietitian, physiotherapist and psychologist, this event will aid you in navigating the complexities of obesity in primary care .Attendees will also have the opportunity to tour our hospital’s weight  management facility and gain valuable insights into the available services.
Please indicate your interest in the upcoming CME presented by Department of Integrated Care For Obesity And Diabetes.
Date: 22 Feb 2025 (Saturday) 
Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Event Mode: Physical Symposium 
Venue:  Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Tower C, Level 5, C54, ICOD Clinic
Registration and Lunch starts at 1.00pm.
Please register by 19 Feb 2025 by 12pm. 
Confirmation email will be sent to your registered email if you have successfully registered for the CME
Registration Link
Ong Min Yi - [email protected]2025-02-22 16:00:002025-02-22 14:00:0022 Feb 2025 (Sat)  2pm - 4pmPhysicalDoctorOthers
Date: 22 Feb 2025 (Saturday) 
Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Event Mode: Physical Symposium 
Venue:  Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Tower C, Level 5, C54, ICOD Clinic
NoEDM Link
03/03/2025 09:0004/03/2025 17:00
Home Ventilation and Respiratory Support Service (HVRSS) -

Pre-course questionnaire
Registration link will be sent out in due course.
Registration Link
Ezen Wong  6359 6402 [email protected]2025-03-04 17:00:002025-03-03 09:00:00PhysicalClinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Allied Health Professionals (AHP); Doctor; Nurses; Support StaffOthers

TTSH CHI Classroom
YesEDM Link
04/03/2025 13:0004/03/2025 14:00
A CME Organised by Yishun Health for Medical Professionals.

Dr Jobina Soh
Family Physician, Senior Staff
Diabetes Centre, Admiralty Medical Centre

1 CME Point

*CME point will only be credited for participants who attended more than 20 minutes of the session. 
Registration Link
2025-03-04 14:00:002025-03-04 13:00:00VirtualDoctor; Clinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Nurses; Allied Health Professionals (AHP)Diabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
25/03/2025 13:0025/03/2025 14:00
A CME Organised by Yishun Health for Medical Professionals.

Ms Oh Jing Wen
Senior Pharmacist
Khoo Teck Puat Hospital

"1 CME Point

*CME point will only be credited for participants who attended more than 20 minutes of the session.  "
Register Here
Mel Lee - [email protected]"2025-03-25 14:00:002025-03-25 13:00:00VirtualNurses; Doctor; Support Staff; Clinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Allied Health Professionals (AHP)Diabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
29/03/2025 14:0029/03/2025 17:00
"Diabetes Management Masterclass: Managing Diabetes in Primary Care

[Platform/Venue: Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic, FMA Seminar Room]"

Organised By : Primary Care Academy, National Healthcare Group Polyclinics

Register now
"Nur Farhana Fitri -   91187295 -  [email protected]"2025-03-29 17:00:002025-03-29 14:00:00PhysicalClinic assistant (CA)/Primary Care Coordinator (PCC); Allied Health Professionals (AHP); Doctor; Nurses; Support StaffDiabetes, Hypertension and Lipid disorders (DHL)
Ang Mo Kio Polyclinic, FMA Seminar Room