The NHG Development Awards comprises 5 selection panels that deliberate the applications submitted for each category shown above.
These selection panels will convene yearly to deliberate the FY2020 application.

Role of Selection Panels

The selection panel members will provide the following perspectives:

  1. As a panel member to shortlist deserving applicant(s) across institutions within the allocated budget. The shortlist will be sent to NHG GCEO for final approval.
  2. As an institution representative, to share on:
    - Institution's strategic priorities and objectives;
    - Institution's selection processes;
    - Rationale behind the priority ranking order of applicant(s);
    - Clarification on application details including TPM ratings;
    - Justification for choice of training programmes; and
    - Justification for highlight or deviation cases (if any) etc

These inputs enable informed decisions on:

  • Applications that can be supported; and
  • Co-funding amount that the institutions can and will be able to bear (where applicable).

Click on the following to view the members of the five selection panels:

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