
Woodlands Health Partnership Programmes

Urgent Care Centre (UCC) @ Admiralty

The UCC @ Admiralty provides a one-stop service on consultation, diagnosis and treatment of non-life threatening conditions requiring urgent attention. It is managed by a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, physiotherapists, radiographers and medical technologists.


Pre-Emergency Care (GPFirst)

GPFirst is a national programme that encourage residents with non-urgent conditions to first seek treatment at General Practitioners (GPs) rather than at the acute hospital’s Accident & Emergency Department (A&E)

Should the Healthier SG or participating GP assess that the patient requires onward referral to either an UCC or A&E for further interventions, the patient will receive a $50 subsidy off the prevailing attendance fee upon arrival at the UCC or A&E.


NurseFirst is a telephone triage helpline (6262 6262) manned by nurses trained in emergency triage. Members of the public can call the helpline for advice (at no charge) on where they can seek treatment for acute but not life-threatening conditions.

NurseFirst callers will be advised on the appropriate healthcare options (e.g. GP, UCC or A&E) according to the severity of the symptoms.

NurseFirst operates from 8.00am to 11.00pm daily (including public holidays). Callers will not be charged for the service.

Upcoming Partnership Programmes​

As Woodlands Health (WH) opens progressively, we look forward to partnering you in these upcoming Partnership Programmes:

1. Post-Emergency ​Care (GP Next)

WH engages participating GP partners through GP Next to review post-A&E patients with minor or non-emergency conditions.​

Instead of being reviewed by a WH specialist, patients with minor or no emergencies are more appropriately transited from WH A&E to GPs for follow-up review and care.

2. Total Discharge and Shared Care

WH's Total Discharge and Shared Care programme is a collaborative initiative between WH and GP Partners, designed to ensure that patients with stable, chronic conditions receive proper review and care in the primary care environment upon discharge from hospital.

3. Coordinating Advisory Care Team (CoACT)

CoACT is a clinical advisory group comprising a team of WH specialists across different clinical disciplines, that enhance two-way communication and collaboration between WH and primary care providers.

Scan or click here​ for up-to-date information on WH's GP Partnerships Programmes:


Contact Us​​​

8am-5pm (Mondays - Fridays​)

8am-1pm (Saturdays)​

Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays


6333 1000


​Click here​ to send an enquiry​​​