On 14 November 2016, the eighth cohort of the Clinical Pharmacist Preparatory Programme (CPPP) celebrated their graduation at a luncheon co-organised by the National Healthcare Group (NHG) and the National University Hospital (NUH).
Graced by Mr Wu Tuck Seng (Deputy Director, NUH); Ms Chan Soo Chung, Executive Director, NHG Pharmacy; and Ms Yvonne Ng, Senior Director (Education), NHG, the graduation luncheon also commemorated the concerted effort and dedication of the CPPP committee members, clinical supervisors, tutors and examiners.
“I’m very heartened to see the commitment our faculty put into training the next generation of Clinical Pharmacists (CPs) for the care of our patients. It is truly fulfilling our mission of improving the health of our patients and population through continuous healthcare education and professional development,” said Ms Ng in her opening speech.
First launched in 2010, the CPPP was formed to address the increasing demand for skilled clinical pharmacists within NHG’s institutions. Through the nine-month programme, the junior pharmacists will receive the required technical knowledge and clinical practice skills to practice as a CP. And upon graduation, the CPs will be able to provide evidence-based, patient-centred medication therapy management in a multi-disciplinary context.
“The rigorous training and evaluation method for the course has strengthened my ability to critically evaluate a patient’s drug regimen and its suitability,” said CPPP graduate Mr Gareth Yeo from NHG Pharmacy.
Fellow CPPP graduate, Mr Franky Cheo from the Institute of Mental Health said that the programme helped him gain more confidence in discussing clinical cases with doctors and nurses; he also found the acquired knowledge applicable in his daily practice. “I thoroughly enjoyed every teaching session and conversations I have had with them. I hope that more aspiring clinical pharmacists will benefit from this course,” he added.